Proof that arrogance breeds stupidity
Like my Daddy used to say “When they get what the want they get what they deserve”. Anthony Brown and Mac the Hack (Sen. Thomas M. Middleton (D-Charles)) cooked up a scheme to cover up the Health Care Disaster and Brown’s involvement in it. If Mac the Hack had opened an investigation into the mess he could have soft balled it for Anthony. But they thought they held all the cards and now they kicked a hornets nest. Two Republican Congressmen unleashed the Feds on the health care mess. Now Mac and Anthony cannot control the investigation two Republican Congressmen are in the driver seat.
Rumor has it that some guys who have gone to the wall for Anthony are now starting to realize that Long Island Carpet Bagger is a Dumb Ass.
Like my Daddy used to say “When they get what the want they get what they deserve”. Anthony Brown and Mac the Hack (Sen. Thomas M. Middleton (D-Charles)) cooked up a scheme to cover up the Health Care Disaster and Brown’s involvement in it. If Mac the Hack had opened an investigation into the mess he could have soft balled it for Anthony. But they thought they held all the cards and now they kicked a hornets nest. Two Republican Congressmen unleashed the Feds on the health care mess. Now Mac and Anthony cannot control the investigation two Republican Congressmen are in the driver seat.
Rumor has it that some guys who have gone to the wall for Anthony are now starting to realize that Long Island Carpet Bagger is a Dumb Ass.